Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Waiting to Emerge

Mr. Kerry was no doubt looking forward to Democrat Convention Week with great anticipation as it was to be the birth of a new optimism for his campaign.  However, after the week he has had, I suspect that he is just hoping to wiggle out of the tight spot he has made for himself.  It has been a rough few days.  The distinguished Senator decided to make a campaign stop in Cape Canaveral to play dress-up for some publicity photos (link to these photos on the arrow next to the title of this blog entry).  He never suspected he would generate his own Dukakis Moment.

After cleaning the pipes for NASA, Kerry decided to go to a Red Sox game where he hoped to see his favorite player, Eddie Yost, play.  Unfortunately, his handlers forgot to tell him that Yost not only no longer plays baseball but he never actually played for the Red Sox.  Nonetheless, Kerry was invited to throw out the first pitch.  He was obviously anxious to do this since he had seen the President throw a perfect strike at the World Series to thunderous adulation.  However, Kerry did not realize that this is the big leagues and the plate is 60 feet, 6 inches from the mound.  He one-hopped it to the plate throwing what is quite conceivably the worst lob ever thrown.

Meanwhile, wife Teresa Heinz Kerry was lying about using the words, "Un-American" in a speech and telling the reporter who called her on it to "shove it" while Michael Moore and the Grassy Knoll Wing of the party were taking over the convention.

After the week he has had, Kerry may want to find a hole in which to crawl.   


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