This week, the 9/11 Commission released a preliminary report of their findings. In it they stated that they could find no evidence of Iraq's involvement in the 9/11 attacks. All of the partisan media immediately jumped right on this claiming that it was a huge blow to the credibility of the Bush Administration. John Kerry, of course, piled on saying that this was proof that the President misled the American people. There is just one problem with these responses. Not one single person in the Bush Administration (certainly not the President) has ever claimed that Iraq was involved in the attacks. President Bush even categorically stated that he had no evidence that Iraq was involved. What the Administration has pointed out is that Iraq and Al Qaida have had a relationship for years. The 9/11 Commission itself has admitted that, for a decade, meetings between top Al Qaida leaders and top members of Saddam's regime have taken place in Sudan, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Again today, the commission said that they have no conflict with statements made by the Administration. Once again, John Kerry and the Democrats have placed both feet firmly in their mouths. However, I am sure the partisan media will be there to aid in the extraction by refusing to report on the hypocrisy and politcizing of the War on Terror by those on the left.
The Writing Irish
If watching the talking toupees on network news prompts you to throw up your hands and say, "Pog mo thoin", this is your source for a political perspective as viewed through Irish eyes. Publishers Note: Currently, this Blog is only available in English. Gaelic versions are pending
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