Monday, May 10, 2004


It is really quite stunning and absolutely disgusting to witness the degree of outrage on the left over the humiliation of Iraqi prisoners. It is so much more vigorous than anything the Democrats ever expressed about Saddam's torture chambers or his rape rooms or his use of chemical weapons to massacre his own citizens. In fact, the left's reaction over this issue is more strenuous than any outrage they were able to eke-out when 3000 Americans were murdered on September 11. More often than not, any grief or outrage they may have experienced was usually masked by a "we deserved it" attitude. How can this be? The answer is that the Democrats have never seen a political opportunity they didn't like no matter how much it damages our country to pursue it. We all remember Hillary, in the days after 9/11, on the Senate Floor holding up the paper that said, "Bush Knew".

Now Ted Kennedy, the Senior Senator from Massachusetts and best friend of John Kerry, has taken the discussion of prisoner abuse ever deeper into the muck when he said, "We now learn that Saddam's torture chambers have re-opened under new management, U.S. management." Someone needs to ask the Senator if he really believes this and while they are at it they should ask the presumptive presidential Nominee if he agrees with this statement. I will give Ted the benefit of the doubt and attribute this idiotic statement to the fact that the Senator has lost his mind. He has driven around the bend, crashed through the railing and plunged into the water. However, I suspect that Ted Kennedy will be allowed by the media to walk away from this car wreck too. I am fairly certain you will not see any part of this embarrassing and irresponsible babbling in any of the mainstream media reports. However, one fact remains certain. If Mary Jo had been in US Military Custody instead of Kennedy's car, she would probably be alive today.

The left needs to stop using this issue to attack One hundred and forty thousand plus fine troops who have liberated 50 million Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also need to stop claiming the abuse in the military is systemic when absolutely no proof exists to support that.


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